Pensions & Investments: 0204 512 7116  Mortgages: 0204 512 7117

The origin of Aspen Financial Services


Like many small business owners, I wanted and hoped to create a business that would grow, evolve and expand, but more importantly, stand the test of time

So, assimilating a Tree in the company name had distinctions of strength and the tenets mentioned above

I chose Aspen, as historically, a crown made of aspen leaves was said to give its wearer the power to visit and return safely from dark places and its Greek origin, the Aspis, means shield, which, I believe is at the core of what we provide

Michael Bower (Owner & Investment Adviser)

I started my career in financial services in the heady days of the mid-90’s, when Take That split, and The Spice Girls arrived
As an adviser in high street banks during that time, I had a lesson in the emotional connection people have with their money and financial decisions.  I quickly realised that an adviser’s role is to help clients get to a point where they can assess the options without the over-riding worry that has held them back in the past
Career progression took me into the workings of “The City”.  I worked for a firm of consulting Actuaries, owned by a Hedge Fund group and one of London’s oldest stockbroking firms
During this time, I advised clients through one of the toughest stock market crashes (1999 to 2002).  I was involved in many company mergers & acquisitions, management buy-outs and closures
The early 2000’s was a heady mix of bust and boom, in both stock markets, house prices and personal debt levels
Working in this environment, I worked with institutions, companies and individuals, mainly, in the incredibly complex world of personal and company pensions.
In this environment my experience and financial education grew exponentially, as I was at the front end of the creation of investment funds, managing large portfolios with complex tax structures and income needs
At some point many of us dream about starting our own business.  I reached that point in 2006.  The Financial Services industry has always been a cottage industry where people buy their products from a local adviser, or historically, a door-to-door collector (The Man from The Pru)
The direction that we take while employed, is not often our own.  So, I decided that my industry knowledge, experience, qualifications and business acumen would be enough to sustain an advice business.  The Financial Regulator thought so too, and in July 2007, I launched Aspen Financial Services

Lianne Murphy (Will Writer & Protection Adviser)

Lianne originally joined us in 2017 as Office Manager, supporting our advisers.  She has taken on various study programmes to enhance her skill set and career and is now a Protection Adviser and Will Writer.   She is working to become a fully qualified Mortgage Adviser

“I have a varied set of experiences in our industry, working within The Royal Bank of Scotland for 10-years. Most of my role was working within the Invoice Finance departments, where attention to detail is an acute requirement.

The confidence I gained by completing my qualifications to run Aspen Wills & Protection, gave me the impetus to keep studying and add CeMap qualifications (mortgages) to my skills.

As Aspen has increased staffing in the back office support, I continue to help build the infrastructure, so we maintain a robust set of systems.  Our systems rely on quality of data and security and my experience within one of the UK’s largest banks in these roles is a constant and positive force”

Claire Harding-Wilmshurst (Senior Protection Specialist)

Claire originally joined us through one of our partner businesses providing protection advice during 2018.  She has a vast degree of knowledge and experience and during 2020, she took a Senior position in the main company.  Claire has undertaken further study to become a Will Writer, which will enhance her skill set in the Protection arena

” I spent the early part of my career working for the Capital Radio Group, organising major sponsorship partners for their large events, on-air competitions and listener events

Moving from organising concerts to advising financial services initially seems like a strange leap, but I love networking and making sure my clients get the most fun out of their lives.  I really believe that once money concerns are eradicated, we can enjoy life and plan for the good times

Over the last 5 years, my skill set has expanded greatly and helping clients to create a strong foundation of financial health & wellbeing, through protection and health insurance is so important”

Lucy Bower (Online Business Development)

Lucy joined us in March 2020, she is studying Criminology, Psychology & Philosophy at Reigate College.  This is Lucy’s first role, but she is taking on elements of our Social Media output, including a project we are passionate about, which is “Teaching children how to become financially prepared”

“I took on this role to get some experience in the workplace.  So many of my friends get confused by the prospects for money and how to understand it.  I have liked making videos for my social media channels and am looking forward to some video projects for Aspen, which will also help me build experince in editing and marketing”




David Jones (Mortgage Adviser)

David as headed up a subsidiary company providing our clients with Mortgage Advice since 2014. He has been working in our industry for over 35 years & adds an invaluable wealth of knowledge and experience